

No long description provided.


dagger install github.com/bradfordwagner/dagger-modules/container_custom@v0.1.0


ContainerCustom 🔗

product() 🔗

Cartesian returns the cartesian product of all builds this is used to explode the builds

Return Type
[ContainerCustomProductFormat ! ] !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
srcDirectory !-No description provided
versionString !"latest"No description provided
Function ContainerCustom.product is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.product is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.product is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.product is not accessible from the container_custom module

productJson() 🔗

ProductJson returns the cartesian product of all builds as a json string, used for github actions matrix

Return Type
String !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
srcDirectory !-No description provided
versionString !"latest"No description provided
Function ContainerCustom.productJson is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.productJson is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.productJson is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.productJson is not accessible from the container_custom module

init() 🔗

Init creates an example yaml config for cicd to use

Return Type
String !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
srcDirectory !-No description provided
Function ContainerCustom.init is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.init is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.init is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.init is not accessible from the container_custom module

manifest() 🔗

Manifest - configures manifest in registry. not meant to be run locally

Return Type
String !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
srcDirectory !-No description provided
versionString !"latest"No description provided
actorSecret !-GitHub actor, --token=env:GITHUB_API_TOKEN,--token=cmd:"gh auth token"
tokenSecret !-GitHub API token, --token=env:GITHUB_API_TOKEN,--token=cmd:"gh auth token"
Function ContainerCustom.manifest is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.manifest is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.manifest is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.manifest is not accessible from the container_custom module

build() 🔗

Build - builds the container image

Return Type
String !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
indexInteger !0No description provided
srcDirectory !-No description provided
versionString !"latest"No description provided
isDevBoolean !trueNo description provided
Function ContainerCustom.build is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.build is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.build is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustom.build is not accessible from the container_custom module

ContainerCustomProductFormat 🔗

arch() 🔗

Return Type
String !
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.arch is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.arch is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.arch is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.arch is not accessible from the container_custom module

index() 🔗

Return Type
Integer !
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.index is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.index is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.index is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.index is not accessible from the container_custom module

os() 🔗

Return Type
String !
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.os is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.os is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.os is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.os is not accessible from the container_custom module

runner() 🔗

Return Type
String !
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.runner is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.runner is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.runner is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.runner is not accessible from the container_custom module

targetImage() 🔗

without architecture suffix

Return Type
String !
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.targetImage is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.targetImage is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.targetImage is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.targetImage is not accessible from the container_custom module

upstreamImage() 🔗

Return Type
String !
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.upstreamImage is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.upstreamImage is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.upstreamImage is not accessible from the container_custom module
Function ContainerCustomProductFormat.upstreamImage is not accessible from the container_custom module