Proxy multiple services though a single service
Discover and share modules full of Dagger functions encapsulating the community's devops knowledge.
We can't wait to see what you build!
Proxy multiple services though a single service
A Dagger module to interact with JFrog Artifactory.
Java module
Helper for private git operations
Docusaurus Dagger Module
The package manager for Kubernetes.
Manage Github Actions configurations with Dagger
Runs a k3s server than can be accessed both locally and in your pipelines
A Nodejs module for managing package, oci image, static website, running run script ...
Go programming language module.
Package main provides the ModuleTemplateLight Dagger module and related functions.
Package main provides the ModuleTemplate Dagger module and related functions.
Package main provides the Gotest Dagger module for container management.
Package main provides the Vault kv (Key-Value) secrets engine module
Proxy multiple services though a single service
A Dagger Module to install and run the GitLab CLI.
A Dagger Module to install and run the git-chglog CLI.
A Dagger Module to extract information about a git reference.
A Dagger Module to interact with the jx-release-version CLI.
A Dagger module to interact with JFrog Artifactory.
A Dagger Module to install and run the Crane CLI.
A Dagger Module to install and run the JFrog CLI.
Kubeconform is a streamlined tool for validating Kubernetes manifests and custom resource definitions (CRD).
A swiss army knife of functions for working with Golang projects.
Create a .netrc auto-login configuration file to access remote machines.
A Dagger module for Terragrunt, batteries included.
Java module
Shared logic for managing Dagger versions
A Dagger Module to integrate with Wolfi Linux
Helper for private git operations
Copy to/from remote server using SCP
Run remote server commands using SSH
`kubectl` that provides the kubectl through many authentication methods.
Everything you need to develop the Dagger Engine
Docusaurus Dagger Module
Plausible Analytics Module
Semantic versioning without any config
Package main provides the Gotoolbox Dagger module and related functions.
Manage your docker based projects
Create an OCI registry authentication file for secure authentication.
Camptocamp branded presentation
Camptocamp branded documentation
Argo CD
Red Hat
Fedora container image
Dragonfly DB Module.
Add the ability to post to the Bluesky social network
containerd utilities
A Dagger Module to integrate with Wolfi Linux
A Dagger Module to integrate with Wolfi Linux
Everything you need to develop the Dagger Engine
The Nostalgia RSS parser
ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for your shell scripts
Apache Avro Tools
Lets get a Pony to say something fun.
A utility module to manage your Daggerverse repository.
Codegen for the Dagger API
Daggy is an AI agent that knows how to call Dagger functions.
A Dagger module to integrate with Clickhouse
A tool for analyzing the languages used in a git repository
Experimental Python codegen using the codegen module
Utility for running dockerd in Dagger
A native Dagger reimplementation of Docker Compose
Minimal Python example using the Poetry package manager.
Manage Github Actions configurations with Dagger
Chainloop is an open source project that allows you to collect, attest, and distribute pieces of evidence from your Software Supply Chain.
Everything you need to develop the Dagger Engine
Shared logic for managing Dagger versions
A Dagger Module to integrate with Wolfi Linux
Build, publish, scan and sign Docker images.
DaggerTemplates functions
A module to instantiate and tests interLink components
A Dagger Module to integrate with Alpine Linux
GitHub CLI
The unofficial MDK (Module Developer Kit)
A Dagger Module to integrate with Wolfi Linux
Shared logic for managing Dagger versions
Everything you need to develop the Dagger Engine
A lightweight wrapper around Helm OCI.
The Python SDK's development module.
The package manager for Kubernetes.
Proxy multiple services though a single service
A generated module for Shellcheck functions
A generated module for Yamllint functions
A generated module for Actionlint functions
A generated module for Hadolint functions
Package main provides a generated module for Hello functions.
A generated module for Revive functions
A generated module for Editorconfig functions
Zig programming language module
Build Caddy with plugins.
Supply Chain Vulnerability Scanner for Build Pipelines by
Kafka service module for Dagger.
A swiss army knife of functions for working with Rust projects.
A Dagger Module for integrating with the KinD
Cosign container image signing in a Dagger module
Dagger-native API for creating and extracting archives.
A Dagger module to say hello to the world
Builds containers from simple lists of packages using the Apko CLI.
A Dagger Module to integrate with Wolfi Linux
Build Caddy with plugins.
Kubernetes native configuration management.
Calculate and check the checksum of files.
Trivy is a comprehensive and versatile security scanner
Generate a new SSH key pair.
Easily create & extract archives, and compress & decompress files of various formats.
Git as a Dagger Module
Build and Publish OCI Container Images from apk packages
A generated module for Launchpad functions
A Dagger Module to integrate with Wolfi Linux
Get details of GitHub releases and associated assets.
A Dagger Module for integrating with the Docker Engine
A utility module to query the Dagger core API directly from the CLI
A Dagger module to say hello to the world
A Dagger module to interact with containers
Provides additional Git actions
A module for Goreleaser Dagger functions
Sign a container image using Cosign
Build, publish, scan and sign multi-platform Docker images.
Crane is a tool for managing container images
Scan a container image using Grype
Dagger functions for downloading Huggingface repos and files.
Functions for working with ModelKits in Dagger
Provides Helm functionality
Builds containers using the Apko CLI
A generated module for RegistryCache functions
Build Go projects
Bluesky Dagger Module
GitHub CLI
A generated module for Airflow functions
Kubernetes native configuration management.
Build Caddy with plugins.
The package manager for Kubernetes.
Generate a new SSH key pair.
Calculate and check the checksum of files.
GitHub CLI
Dagger-native API for creating and extracting archives.
Easily create & extract archives, and compress & decompress files of various formats.
Kafka service module for Dagger.
The Python SDK's development module.
A Dagger Module to integrate with Alpine Linux
A toolbox of GPT functions for fun
The ESP-IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework) is a software development framework for the ESP32 chip series by Espressif.
The Python SDK's development module.
A Dagger Module to integrate with Alpine Linux
A generated module for Eksctl functions
Run commands using the replicated CLI
psql is a terminal-based front-end to Postgres.
Launch a Postgres database server.
Dagger module for working with the miniflux API
Spin up Preview Environments in Okteto with the help of this Dagger module.
Create a badge for your dagger project.
This module is responsible for running pre-commit-terraform on a given directory
Push a container image into Google Artifact Registry
A module for yamllint functions
A module for creation and viewing of certificates
Manage Github Actions configurations with Dagger
Depot is a remote container build service with native Intel & Arm support and persistent layer caching for blazing fast builds.
A generated module for DummyTests functions
Runtime module for the Python SDK
Module to interact with an Infisical project
Generate Github Actions configurations from Dagger pipelines
A generated module for Image functions
A generated module for Git functions
Module for interacting with apps
A generated module for Helm functions
A Dagger Module for integrating with the Docker Engine
A generated module for Frontend functions
This Dagger module is designed to validate Kubernetes manifests using a tool called kubeconform.
A Dagger module meant to provide some use in working with Distrobox
A module wrapping docker client operations; mainly meant for demoing unix socket
A generated module for Lib functions
LinkedIn Module
A generated module for Daggerverse functions
Builds containers from simple lists of packages using the Apko CLI.
A Dagger module for integrating with Tailscale
MariaDB Module
A Dagger module to say hello to the world
Module Name: StocksToMongo
Module Name: GetStocks
Easily create & extract archives, and compress & decompress files of various formats.
Create an OCI registry configuration file and use it safely with tools, like Helm or Oras.
Provides Helm functionality
The markdown linter used to develop Dagger
Deploy apps to
Module Name: CalculateTimeValue
A generated module for FetchSpreadsheetData functions.
Allows the Earthly to run inside Dagger.
GetAdvice Module
Module Name: CreateSvelteTests
A generated module for CategorizeExpenses functions
A generated module for GetFromMongo functions
A generated module for FilterForNewTransactions functions
Module wrapping the gscloud commandline tool.
SonarQube static code analysis.
Git as a Dagger Module
Push a container image into Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
Push a container image into Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
Demo of Dagger pushing to GitHub Container Registry ( from GitHub Actions
Push a container image into Azure Container Registry (acr)
Mutli Channel Notifications for CI with Novu
A generated module for ShuttleDagger functions
Module for working with open source Cerbos PDP
Push a container image into Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR)
Push a container image into Google Artifact Registry
Security scan a container image with Snyk
Security scan a container image with Grype
LLM inference in from Dagger
Demo of Dagger pushing to GitHub Container Registry ( from GitHub Actions
A simple NGINX module service to expose a website using the NGINX server.
A Cypress module service to run e2e tests without local installation.
A EsLint module service to lint and fix your code without local installation.
Magicenv provides utility functions to inject environment from various sources.
A simple Dagger module to spawn and manage a Minio server.
A simple Dagger module to spawn and manage a PostgreSQL server.
A simple Dagger module to spawn and manage a Redis server.
A module for working with Postgres
A module for building Nginx containers
Concourse is a continuous thing-doer.
A utility module to query the Dagger core API directly from the CLI
A Dagger module for interacting with Mastodon
Base Container and analysis function for fossa-cli
A generated module for SendEmail functions
Send notifications
A simple wrapper around the vercel cli
Record and replay interactive terminal sessions
A module with various file/directory utility functions
A module to deploy the Dagger documentation as a Google Cloud Run service
A module to work with Google Cloud Run services
A dapr module to setup a dagger sidecar in your applications
container utils module
stitches multiple videos together
Chainloop is an open source project that allows you to collect, attest, and distribute pieces of evidence from your Software Supply Chain.
Manage apps on
Interact with HashiCorp Vault
Interact with AWS SecretsManager
Execute Ruff on a Python project
Deploy apps to Netlify
Deploy containers to
Run CircleCI config in Dagger
Upload coverage reports to Codecov
Package main is a package level description.
A generated module for Golang functions
Runs a k3s server than can be accessed both locally and in your pipelines
Manage Github Actions configurations with Dagger
Dagger functions for working with GGUF format for AI/ML models.
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
A generated module for Ansible functions
A generated module for ControllerGen functions
The world's sexiest OpenAPI breaking changes detector.
Svix is the enterprise ready webhook service.
Test dagger containers structure
Create an OCI registry configuration file and use it safely with tools, like Helm or Oras.
Allow to create or read secret from GCP secret manager
A Nodejs module for managing package, oci image, static website, running run script ...
A module for handling module release in daggerverse
A module for playing on the terraform ecosystem
A Drift detection module around terraform/terragrunt which allow to send a report
Auto detect runtime information for a specific project
A generated module for Utils functions
Yq runtime
Svix is the enterprise ready webhook service.
Create an OCI registry configuration file and use it safely with tools, like Helm or Oras.
psql is a terminal-based front-end to Postgres.
Launch a Postgres database server.
The world's sexiest OpenAPI breaking changes detector.
Go programming language module.
Manage Github Actions configurations with Dagger
A generated module for Tirnanog functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A module for running the repopack CLI tool
A generated module for DaggerModuleTr functions
A generated module for Commanders functions
Package main provides a Gitter struct to manipulate git repositories,
The PowerShell Script Analyzer (PSScriptAnalyzer) for Dagger.
A module for discovering files that have been changed between two Git refs.
A generated module for Hello functions
Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
A generated module for DaggerTools functions
Infisical Dagger module
Infisical Dagger module
A generated module for Projects functions
A generated module for Projects functions
Manage Github Actions configurations with Dagger
Cog CLI - generate content with inlined Python code.
A generated module for Projects functions
A generated module for ControllerGen functions
Tracetest module run assertions in your pipeline
A prompt for manual user input
A generated module for Meteor functions
A module for discovering files that have been changed between two Git refs.
Post a Tweet from your Pipeline
Spin up Preview Environments in Okteto with the help of this Dagger module.
Generate diagrams from code using popular tools (D2,Mermaid)
Push a container image into Google Artifact Registry
Build container images from apk packages.
The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute container images and other content.
Build k6 with extensions.
This module provides functions for Gleam projects
This module provides a set of functions for building Android applications.
This module provides a set of functions for scanning container images, repositories, and local filesystems for vulnerabilities using Trivy.
Displays system information
Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more.
Package main provides functionality to set up and manage Kubernetes clusters
A generated module for SemRel functions
A generated module for ResearcherContainer functions
A generated module for Cubzh functions
A generated module for Test functions
This module provides a set of functions to run common tasks with Buck.
MarketingAgent module for generating and storing marketing content
A generated module for Mutagen functions
Finds vulnerabilities from container image ref or Dagger Container
Deploy applications to Cloudflare Workers and Pages
Mongo Shell Dagger Module
A dagger module for MongoDB
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
A generated module for Cloc functions
This module provides a set of functions to build, test, and run clippy on a Rust project 🦀
A tool for automatically generating markdown documentation for helm charts.
Fast linters runner for Go.
Stainless is an API SDK generator tool.
This module provides a set of functions to run common tasks for Deno projects 🦕
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
Docusaurus Dagger Module
This is a dagger module to chain data-science operation in a reproducible environment.
Build Go projects
Copyright 2024 The Prometheus Authors
Copyright 2024 The Prometheus Authors
A generated module for GoDagger functions
A dagger module of Heroes Decode by HeroesToolChest that decodes Heroes of the Storm replays.
Distribute Artifacts Across OCI Registries With Ease
Dagger module for interacting with Snowflake via the Snowflake CLI.
A generated module for PublishTest functions
A generated module for Golang functions
A simple module to generate a Vagrant Cloud upload url
A generated module for Demo1 functions
Module Name: Financialadvisor
Module Name: writeToMongo
A generated module for Mkdocs functions
A generated module for Python functions
A generated module for Hello functions
A generated module for TestCall functions
A generated module for Demo functions
Envoy proxy module for Dagger.
OpenSSH server module for testing SSH connections.
An Elasticsearch module designed for development and CI purposes only.
Python programming language module.
An open-source API style guide enforcer and linter.
Verify provenance from SLSA compliant builders.
Bash Automated Testing System
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for Test functions
A generated module for DaggerDocker functions
A generated module for RunTests functions
Collection of Useful Utilities for working with Dagger Cloud
Run serverless deploys
This module provides a function for analyzing code with sonar scanner
Bincapz - Enumerates program capabilities and malicious behaviors using fragment analysis.
This module provides a set of functions to interact with AWS CLI
Send Tweets from your Dagger Pipeline
A generated module for Daggerverse functions
A generated module for Scout functions
A generated module for SnykDagger functions
A generated module for Scout functions
A generated module for Timpkg functions
A generated module for Ci functions
An experimental module to generate Dagger Java SDK artifacts.
A utility to generate sboms with syft
A basic module written in Go to build a base image for a Node.js application.
A simple module for testing a Node application with Dagger, written in Python.
This module send a email using a SMTP server
A Dagger module to integrate with Azure Key Vault
Base Container and analysis function for fossa-cli
This module uses a library call req to make a graphq request to a given url
High-level interfaces for building and testing Go code.
Import API specifications into Microcks and run Microcks tests
nextjs-build is a Dagger module that provides a method for building a Next.js application within a containerized environment.
This module provides a function to deploy to Railway
Deploy to Supabase Edge Functions
This module provides a function to detect secrets in code using gitleaks
A generated module for Wheelbuilder functions
This module provides a set of functions to scan a directory or image for vulnerabilities using Grype.
Generate a software bill of materials (SBOM) using the syft tool
Build and deploy to Firebase Hosting
dockerc compiles container images into executable binary files.
Install NPM packages.
Build hugo sites.
Provides a set of functions for Bun projects
Deploy Rust applications to Shuttle
Deploy storybook to Chromatic
A module for building and deploying applications to Wasmer Edge.
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No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
No description provided
Runs a k3s server than can be accessed both locally and in your pipelines
Copyright © 2024 Patrick Hermann
This module runs commitlint to validate conventional commits.
This module checks for uncommitted git changes
A generated module for ProtocGenGoGRPC functions
Examples for Helm module.
Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go.
Examples for Trivy module
Examples for Svix module.
Generates a bundle.js file from configured npm packages using Browserify.
Bass is a Dagger SDK for the Bass scripting language (
Build container images from apk packages.
Dagger module to manage the lifecycle of a Shadeform VM. Handy for integration in data-science pipelines or in any DAG graph when one or more tasks can benefit from the execution on a GPU machine. See examples for a demonstration on how to use it
Verify provenance from SLSA compliant builders.
Build container images from apk packages.
Bash Automated Testing System
Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go.
Go programming language module.
Fast linters runner for Go.
A tool for automatically generating markdown documentation for helm charts.
Examples for Helm module.
OpenSSH server module for testing SSH connections.
Python programming language module.
Open-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc.
The Registry is a stateless, highly scalable server side application that stores and lets you distribute container images and other content.
An open-source API style guide enforcer and linter.
Stainless is an API SDK generator tool.
Examples for Svix module.
Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, secrets, SBOM in containers, Kubernetes, code repositories, clouds and more.
Examples for Trivy module
Build k6 with extensions.
Internal Demo Application that Mocks a webscale Production Database
The PowerShell Script Analyzer (PSScriptAnalyzer) for Dagger.
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
A SecretsProvider interface
The PowerShell Script Analyzer (PSScriptAnalyzer) for Dagger.
A generated module for Android functions
A Dagger Module for Medplum CI Pipeline
Module for running pre-commit commands.
Module for running scrapyd-client commands.
A generated module for ProtocGenGoGRPC functions
This module checks for uncommitted git changes
This module runs commitlint to validate conventional commits.
This module provides a function to setup Nix with DeterminateSystems Nix Installer ❄️
SOPS: Simple And Flexible Tool For Managing Secrets
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
Module for running [python-semantic-release]( (PSR) commands.
Package main provides a set of functions to run Go language tests within a containerized environment.
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
Module for running scrapyd
Esc functions for pulumiConfig and opening environment for env vars (OIDC)
Manages Dagger on a bunch of platforms
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
Runs a k3s server than can be accessed both locally and in your pipelines
This module runs commitlint to validate conventional commits.
This module checks for uncommitted git changes
A generated module for ProtocGenGoGRPC functions
This module provides a function to lint files using megalinter.
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
Runtime module for the PHP SDK
Runs a k3s server than can be accessed both locally and in your pipelines
Module to run k6 QA tests
A simple Drupal development container and dependencies
This module provides a function to lint Yaml files.
Bass is a Dagger SDK for the Bass scripting language (
Dagger module to build Dagger Runtime Containers.
A generated module for Flyio functions.
A generated module for Flyio functions.
This module provides a function to lint a shell script with ShellCheck.
This is a thin wrapper around the TypeScript SDK to workaround until the next engine release.
Based on
Compiles rust code into ARM architectures
Dagger module for ld-find-code-refs CI
The Bass scripting language (
This module provides a set of functions to run commands inside devbox shell and to create a development environment with devbox installed.
This module provides a set of functions to run ansible playbooks and to create a development environment with ansible installed.
A generated module for Utils functions
A generated module for Charm functions
This module handles the Istio version management.
Learn Dagger Interactively: dagger -m call start
module for security scans like trivy, grype, etc.
module for interact with the AWS SDK
Base for cloudsmith-cli
Base for cloudsmith-cli
Run a command on a remote machine using SSH and return the result
This module provides a set of functions to format Python code with black and to create a development environment with black installed.
This module provides a set of functions to lint ansible YAML files and to create a development environment with ansible-lint installed.
This module provides a function to load dotfiles and packages from a envhub environment.
This module provides a set of functions to build an OCI image from your project using buildx.
This module provides a set of functions to test your configuration files using Conftest and to create a development environment with Conftest installed.
This module provides a set of functions to build an OCI image from your project using nixpacks.
This module provides a function to lint Go code.
This module provides a function to lint Kubernetes files and to create a development environment with kubeconform installed.
Uploads code coverage to Codecov ☂️
Publish a flake from Github to ❄️
This module provides a set of functions to upload files to Cloudlare R2 bucket and to create a development environment with AWS CLI installed.
Awesome Continuous Integration - Lot's of tools for git, file and static source code analysis.
This module provides a set of functions to install packages and to create a development environment with pkgx installed.
This module provides a set of functions to run flox commands and to create a development environment with flox installed.
This module provides a set of functions to build and test Flutter applications
This module provides a function to lint Makefiles
This module provides a function to run php-cs-fixer on PHP files.
This module provides a set of functions to run a command inside devenv shell, return a container with devenv installed, and build the devenv shell and run any pre-commit hooks.
This module provides a function to format Go code.
This module provides a function to lint JSON files.
This module provides a function to lint Kubernetes files and to create a development environment with kubeval installed.
This module provides a function to evaluate a rego query and to create a development environment with Open Policy Agent installed.
This module provides a function to run phpcbf on PHP files.
This module provides a function to run phpcs on PHP files.
This module provides a function to calculate the scorecard for a given repository.
This module provides a function to create a development environment with rtx installed and activated in the current directory.
This module provides a function to start wiremock server and load mappings and files.
This module provides a function to generate Terraform modules documentation.
Functions for working with k3s clusters in Civo
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