This module has been generated via dagger init and serves as a reference tobasic module structure as you get started with Dagger.
Two functions have been pre-created. You can modify, delete, or add to them,
as needed. They demonstrate usage of arguments and return types using simple
echo and grep commands. The functions can be called from the dagger CLI or
from one of the SDKs.
The first line in this comment block is a short description line and the
rest is a long description with more detail on the module's purpose or usage,
if appropriate. All modules should have a short description.
dagger install github.com/dciangot/kaggle-dagger@4ce173149ca10b61862c53c769c94bb7c8f74105
Return Type
KaggleDagger !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
labcontainer | Container | - | An OCI-compatible container, also known as a Docker container. |
workingDir | Directory ! | - | A directory. |
Function KaggleDagger.Constructor is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.Constructor is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.Constructor is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.Constructor is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
KaggleDagger 🔗
debug() 🔗
Return the container for debug
Return Type
Container !
Function KaggleDagger.debug is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.debug is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.debug is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.debug is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
jupyterlab() 🔗
Returns a service running a JupyterLab instance on working dir
Return Type
Container !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
jupyterSecret | Secret ! | - | A reference to a secret value, which can be handled more safely than the value itself. |
Function KaggleDagger.jupyterlab is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.jupyterlab is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.jupyterlab is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.jupyterlab is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
importData() 🔗
Create a container with my data
Return Type
KaggleDagger !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
apiKeys | File ! | - | A file. |
competition | String ! | - | No description provided |
Function KaggleDagger.importData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.importData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.importData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.importData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
preprocessData() 🔗
Return Type
KaggleDagger !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
name | String ! | - | No description provided |
taskDir | Directory ! | - | A directory. |
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessData is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
preprocessGpt() 🔗
Return Type
KaggleDagger !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
name | String ! | - | No description provided |
gptFile | File ! | - | A file. |
openaiToken | Secret ! | - | A reference to a secret value, which can be handled more safely than the value itself. |
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessGpt is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessGpt is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessGpt is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module
Function KaggleDagger.preprocessGpt is not accessible from the kaggle_dagger module