Mostly used for confirming that a .gitattributes file correctly marks a given file as being generated.Note: there's an issue when cache is cold. The linguist repo is pulled with dag.git() which also pulls in the submodules. Every language in Linguist is in an external repo, commited as a submodule, so it takes approximately 10 minutes to pull the entire thing.
dagger install
Return Type
Linguist !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
src | Directory ! | - | The directory containing the source code to analyze |
commit | String ! | "559a6426942abcae16b6d6b328147476432bf6cb" | The Git commit for the Linguist repository to use |
dagger -m call \
--src DIR_PATH --commit string
func (m *myModule) example(src *Directory, commit string) *Linguist {
return dag.
Linguist(src, commit)
def example(src: dagger.Directory, commit: str) -> dag.Linguist:
return (
dag.linguist(src, commit)
example(src: Directory, commit: string): Linguist {
return dag
.linguist(src, commit)
Linguist 🔗
Build Linguist and analyze a git repository
src() 🔗
The directory containing the source code to analyze
Return Type
Directory !
dagger -m call \
--src DIR_PATH --commit string src
func (m *myModule) example(src *Directory, commit string) *Directory {
return dag.
Linguist(src, commit).
def example(src: dagger.Directory, commit: str) -> dagger.Directory:
return (
dag.linguist(src, commit)
example(src: Directory, commit: string): Directory {
return dag
.linguist(src, commit)
repo() 🔗
The Linguist GitHub repository to build
Return Type
String !
dagger -m call \
--src DIR_PATH --commit string repo
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, src *Directory, commit string) string {
return dag.
Linguist(src, commit).
async def example(src: dagger.Directory, commit: str) -> str:
return await (
dag.linguist(src, commit)
async example(src: Directory, commit: string): Promise<string> {
return dag
.linguist(src, commit)
commit() 🔗
The Git commit for the Linguist repository to use
Return Type
String !
dagger -m call \
--src DIR_PATH --commit string commit
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, src *Directory, commit string) string {
return dag.
Linguist(src, commit).
async def example(src: dagger.Directory, commit: str) -> str:
return await (
dag.linguist(src, commit)
async example(src: Directory, commit: string): Promise<string> {
return dag
.linguist(src, commit)
run() 🔗
Run the github-linguist tool on the source code
Return Type
String !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
file | String ! | "" | Path to a single file to analyze |
rev | String ! | "" | The git revision to analyze |
breakdown | Boolean ! | false | Show the breakdown of files by language |
asJson | Boolean ! | false | Output the Linguist data in JSON format |
dagger -m call \
--src DIR_PATH --commit string run --file string --rev string --breakdown boolean --as-json boolean
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, src *Directory, commit string, file string, rev string, breakdown bool, asJson bool) string {
return dag.
Linguist(src, commit).
Run(ctx, file, rev, breakdown, asJson)
async def example(src: dagger.Directory, commit: str, file: str, rev: str, breakdown: bool, as_json: bool) -> str:
return await (
dag.linguist(src, commit)
.run(file, rev, breakdown, as_json)
async example(src: Directory, commit: string, file: string, rev: string, breakdown: boolean, asJson: boolean): Promise<string> {
return dag
.linguist(src, commit)
.run(file, rev, breakdown, asJson)