

This module has been generated via dagger init and serves as a reference to
basic module structure as you get started with Dagger.

Two functions have been pre-created. You can modify, delete, or add to them,
as needed. They demonstrate usage of arguments and return types using simple
echo and grep commands. The functions can be called from the dagger CLI or
from one of the SDKs.

The first line in this comment block is a short description line and the
rest is a long description with more detail on the module's purpose or usage,
if appropriate. All modules should have a short description.


dagger install github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@v0.1.0


Return Type
Mongo !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
imageString !"mongo"The image to use
versionString !"7.0.16"The version of mongodb to use
userSecret -The mongodb user
passwordSecret -The password of the mongodb user
hostnameString !"mongodb.service"The mongo hostname to use (only used for mongo uri helper
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string) *Mongo  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname)
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> dag.Mongo:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Mongo {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)


Mongo 🔗

user() 🔗

The mongodb user

Return Type
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string user
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string) *Secret  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> dagger.Secret:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Secret {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

password() 🔗

The password of the mongodb user

Return Type
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string password
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string) *Secret  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> dagger.Secret:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Secret {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

hostname() 🔗

The mongo hostname to use (only used for mongo uri helper

Return Type
String !
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string hostname
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, image string, version string, hostname string) string  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
async def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> str:
	return await (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
async example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Promise<string> {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

ciTest() 🔗

Only for poc / troubleshot / ci

Return Type
String !
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string ci-test
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, image string, version string, hostname string) string  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
async def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> str:
	return await (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
async example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Promise<string> {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

ctr() 🔗

Get the mongodb container

Return Type
Container !
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string ctr
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string) *Container  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> dagger.Container:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Container {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

service() 🔗

Expose a mongo container as a service

Return Type
Service !
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string service
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string) *Service  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> dagger.Service:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Service {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

uri() 🔗

Return Type
Secret !
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string uri
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string) *Secret  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str) -> dagger.Secret:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string): Secret {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

withData() 🔗

Allow to mount a snapshot/backup data folder

Return Type
Mongo !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
dataDirectory !-A directory.
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string with-data --data DIR_PATH
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string, data *Directory) *Mongo  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str, data: dagger.Directory) -> dag.Mongo:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string, data: Directory): Mongo {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

withHostname() 🔗

Allow to add json data to mongo

Return Type
Mongo !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
hostnameString !-No description provided
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string with-hostname --hostname string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string, hostname1 string) *Mongo  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str, hostname1: str) -> dag.Mongo:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string, hostname1: string): Mongo {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

withInitData() 🔗

Allow to add json data to mongo

Return Type
Mongo !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
dataDirectory !-A directory.
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string with-init-data --data DIR_PATH
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string, data *Directory) *Mongo  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str, data: dagger.Directory) -> dag.Mongo:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string, data: Directory): Mongo {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)

withInitScripts() 🔗

Allow to add bash oa js script for the mongo setup

Return Type
Mongo !
NameTypeDefault ValueDescription
scriptsDirectory !-A directory.
dagger -m github.com/heuritech/daggerverse/mongo@cf921643e257dfcb1fb3b561fcb40bc6a83d5db5 call \
 --image string --version string --hostname string with-init-scripts --scripts DIR_PATH
func (m *myModule) example(image string, version string, hostname string, scripts *Directory) *Mongo  {
	return dag.
			Mongo(image, version, hostname).
def example(image: str, version: str, hostname: str, scripts: dagger.Directory) -> dag.Mongo:
	return (
		dag.mongo(image, version, hostname)
example(image: string, version: string, hostname: string, scripts: Directory): Mongo {
	return dag
		.mongo(image, version, hostname)