This module implements the miniflux python library.
dagger install
Return Type
Miniflux !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
host | String ! | "" | url for miniflux instance |
token | Secret ! | - | miniflux API token |
categoryId | String | - | optional, category id for blogroll, if not set will grab all feeds. |
dagger -m call \
--host string --token env:MYSECRET
func (m *myModule) example(host string, token *Secret) *Miniflux {
return dag.
Miniflux(host, token)
def example(host: str, token: dagger.Secret, ) -> dag.Miniflux:
return (
dag.miniflux(host, token)
example(host: string, token: Secret, ): Miniflux {
return dag
.miniflux(host, token)
Miniflux 🔗
generateSources() 🔗
Generate sources file for openring
This function grabs all the feeds from a given category in miniflux, grabs the feed_url and then generates a sources.txt file for the purpose of feeding it into the openring module.
Return Type
File !
dagger -m call \
--host string --token env:MYSECRET generate-sources
func (m *myModule) example(host string, token *Secret) *File {
return dag.
Miniflux(host, token).
def example(host: str, token: dagger.Secret, ) -> dagger.File:
return (
dag.miniflux(host, token)
example(host: string, token: Secret, ): File {
return dag
.miniflux(host, token)
generateBlogroll() 🔗
Generate blogroll template
This function uses the Jinja templating library to create a blog roll list that you can embed in your own website based on the blogs you read in miniflux.
Return Type
File !
dagger -m call \
--host string --token env:MYSECRET generate-blogroll
func (m *myModule) example(host string, token *Secret) *File {
return dag.
Miniflux(host, token).
def example(host: str, token: dagger.Secret, ) -> dagger.File:
return (
dag.miniflux(host, token)
example(host: string, token: Secret, ): File {
return dag
.miniflux(host, token)
generateStarred() 🔗
Generate list of starred posts
This function generates a file of links for your starred posts, by default you will get the 10 most recent.
Return Type
File !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
heading | String ! | "Recent Favorite Blog Posts" | section heading text |
direction | String ! | "desc" | Order to retrieve posts, desc or asc |
limit | Integer ! | 10 | number of posts to return |
dagger -m call \
--host string --token env:MYSECRET generate-starred --heading string --direction string --limit integer
func (m *myModule) example(host string, token *Secret, heading string, direction string, limit int) *File {
return dag.
Miniflux(host, token).
GenerateStarred(heading, direction, limit)
def example(host: str, token: dagger.Secret, heading: str, direction: str, limit: int) -> dagger.File:
return (
dag.miniflux(host, token)
.generate_starred(heading, direction, limit)
example(host: string, token: Secret, heading: string, direction: string, limit: number): File {
return dag
.miniflux(host, token)
.generateStarred(heading, direction, limit)