This module has been generated via dagger init and serves as a reference tobasic module structure as you get started with Dagger.
Two functions have been pre-created. You can modify, delete, or add to them,
as needed. They demonstrate usage of arguments and return types using simple
echo and grep commands. The functions can be called from the dagger CLI or
from one of the SDKs.
The first line in this comment block is a short description line and the
rest is a long description with more detail on the module's purpose or usage,
if appropriate. All modules should have a short description.
dagger install github.com/prefapp/daggerverse/opa@5c65293f791471ae5fb1d1b46cfbe23e51bf731d
Return Type
Opa !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
app | String ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/prefapp/daggerverse/opa@5c65293f791471ae5fb1d1b46cfbe23e51bf731d call \
--app string
func (m *myModule) example(app string) *Opa {
return dag.
def example(app: str) -> dag.Opa:
return (
example(app: string): Opa {
return dag
Opa 🔗
app() 🔗
Return Type
String !
dagger -m github.com/prefapp/daggerverse/opa@5c65293f791471ae5fb1d1b46cfbe23e51bf731d call \
--app string app
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, app string) string {
return dag.
async def example(app: str) -> str:
return await (
async example(app: string): Promise<string> {
return dag
classifyClaims() 🔗
Return Type
[ClaimClassification ! ] !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
claimsDir | Directory ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/prefapp/daggerverse/opa@5c65293f791471ae5fb1d1b46cfbe23e51bf731d call \
--app string classify-claims --claims-dir DIR_PATH
func (m *myModule) example(app string, claimsDir *Directory) []*OpaClaimClassification {
return dag.
def example(app: str, claims_dir: dagger.Directory) -> List[dag.OpaClaimClassification]:
return (
example(app: string, claimsDir: Directory): OpaClaimClassification[] {
return dag
validate() 🔗
Return Type
Container !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
policy | File ! | - | No description provided |
data | File ! | - | No description provided |
file | File ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/prefapp/daggerverse/opa@5c65293f791471ae5fb1d1b46cfbe23e51bf731d call \
--app string validate --policy file:path --data file:path --file file:path
func (m *myModule) example(app string, policy *File, data *File, file *File) *Container {
return dag.
Validate(policy, data, file)
def example(app: str, policy: dagger.File, data: dagger.File, file: dagger.File) -> dagger.Container:
return (
.validate(policy, data, file)
example(app: string, policy: File, data: File, file: File): Container {
return dag
.validate(policy, data, file)
loadDataRules() 🔗
Return Type
[ClaimsDataRules ! ] !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
validationsDir | Directory ! | - | No description provided |
app | String ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/prefapp/daggerverse/opa@5c65293f791471ae5fb1d1b46cfbe23e51bf731d call \
--app string load-data-rules --validations-dir DIR_PATH --app string
func (m *myModule) example(app string, validationsDir *Directory, app1 string) []*OpaClaimsDataRules {
return dag.
LoadDataRules(validationsDir, app1)
def example(app: str, validations_dir: dagger.Directory, app1: str) -> List[dag.OpaClaimsDataRules]:
return (
.load_data_rules(validations_dir, app1)
example(app: string, validationsDir: Directory, app1: string): OpaClaimsDataRules[] {
return dag
.loadDataRules(validationsDir, app1)
validateClaims() 🔗
Return Type
Void !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
claimsDir | Directory ! | - | No description provided |
validationsDir | Directory ! | - | No description provided |
policiesDir | Directory ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/prefapp/daggerverse/opa@5c65293f791471ae5fb1d1b46cfbe23e51bf731d call \
--app string validate-claims --claims-dir DIR_PATH --validations-dir DIR_PATH --policies-dir DIR_PATH
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, app string, claimsDir *Directory, validationsDir *Directory, policiesDir *Directory) {
return dag.
ValidateClaims(ctx, claimsDir, validationsDir, policiesDir)
async def example(app: str, claims_dir: dagger.Directory, validations_dir: dagger.Directory, policies_dir: dagger.Directory) -> None:
return await (
.validate_claims(claims_dir, validations_dir, policies_dir)
async example(app: string, claimsDir: Directory, validationsDir: Directory, policiesDir: Directory): Promise<void> {
return dag
.validateClaims(claimsDir, validationsDir, policiesDir)
findApplicableClaims() 🔗
Return Type
[ClaimClassification ! ] !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
claims | [ClaimClassification ! ] ! | - | No description provided |
data | ClaimsDataRules ! | - | No description provided |
echo 'Custom types are not supported in shell examples'
func (m *myModule) example(app string, claims []*OpaClaimClassification, data *OpaClaimsDataRules) []*OpaClaimClassification {
return dag.
FindApplicableClaims(claims, data)
def example(app: str, claims: List[dag.OpaClaimClassification], data: dag.OpaClaimsDataRules) -> List[dag.OpaClaimClassification]:
return (
.find_applicable_claims(claims, data)
example(app: string, claims: OpaClaimClassification[], data: OpaClaimsDataRules): OpaClaimClassification[] {
return dag
.findApplicableClaims(claims, data)
ClaimClassification 🔗
name() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimClassification.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.name is not accessible from the opa module
kind() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimClassification.kind is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.kind is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.kind is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.kind is not accessible from the opa module
environment() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimClassification.environment is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.environment is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.environment is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.environment is not accessible from the opa module
resourceType() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimClassification.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
tenant() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimClassification.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
platform() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimClassification.platform is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.platform is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.platform is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.platform is not accessible from the opa module
app() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimClassification.app is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.app is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.app is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.app is not accessible from the opa module
file() 🔗
Return Type
File !
Function OpaClaimClassification.file is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.file is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.file is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimClassification.file is not accessible from the opa module
ClaimsDataRules 🔗
name() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.name is not accessible from the opa module
description() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.description is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.description is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.description is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.description is not accessible from the opa module
regoFile() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.regoFile is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.regoFile is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.regoFile is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.regoFile is not accessible from the opa module
file() 🔗
Return Type
File !
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.file is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.file is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.file is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.file is not accessible from the opa module
applyTo() 🔗
Return Type
[ApplicableRule ! ] !
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.applyTo is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.applyTo is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.applyTo is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaClaimsDataRules.applyTo is not accessible from the opa module
ApplicableRule 🔗
app() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaApplicableRule.app is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.app is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.app is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.app is not accessible from the opa module
name() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaApplicableRule.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.name is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.name is not accessible from the opa module
kind() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaApplicableRule.kind is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.kind is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.kind is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.kind is not accessible from the opa module
resourceType() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaApplicableRule.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.resourceType is not accessible from the opa module
environment() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaApplicableRule.environment is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.environment is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.environment is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.environment is not accessible from the opa module
tenant() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaApplicableRule.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.tenant is not accessible from the opa module
platform() 🔗
Return Type
String !
Function OpaApplicableRule.platform is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.platform is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.platform is not accessible from the opa module
Function OpaApplicableRule.platform is not accessible from the opa module