This module has been generated via dagger init and serves as a reference tobasic module structure as you get started with Dagger.
Two functions have been pre-created. You can modify, delete, or add to them,
as needed. They demonstrate usage of arguments and return types using simple
echo and grep commands. The functions can be called from the dagger CLI or
from one of the SDKs.
The first line in this comment block is a short description line and the
rest is a long description with more detail on the module's purpose or usage,
if appropriate. All modules should have a short description.
dagger install github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2
Return Type
FeatureBranch !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
githubToken | Secret ! | - | No description provided |
repoUrl | String ! | - | No description provided |
branchName | String ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string) *FeatureBranch {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str) -> dag.FeatureBranch:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string): FeatureBranch {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
FeatureBranch 🔗
ctr() 🔗
Return Type
Container !
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string ctr
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string) *Container {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str) -> dagger.Container:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string): Container {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
branchName() 🔗
Return Type
String !
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string branch-name
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string) string {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
async def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str) -> str:
return await (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
async example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string): Promise<string> {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
changes() 🔗
Return Type
Directory !
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string changes
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string) *Directory {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str) -> dagger.Directory:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string): Directory {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
withNewUniqueBranchName() 🔗
Set the branch name to a new unique name
Return Type
FeatureBranch !
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string with-new-unique-branch-name
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string) *FeatureBranch {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str) -> dag.FeatureBranch:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string): FeatureBranch {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
withChanges() 🔗
Set changeset of the feature branch
Return Type
FeatureBranch !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
changes | Directory ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string with-changes --changes DIR_PATH
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, changes *Directory) *FeatureBranch {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, changes: dagger.Directory) -> dag.FeatureBranch:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, changes: Directory): FeatureBranch {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
diff() 🔗
Diff the changeset of the feature branch
Return Type
String !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
namesOnly | Boolean ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string diff --names-only boolean
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, namesOnly bool) string {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
Diff(ctx, namesOnly)
async def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, names_only: bool) -> str:
return await (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
async example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, namesOnly: boolean): Promise<string> {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
commit() 🔗
Commit the changes
Return Type
FeatureBranch !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
message | String ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string commit --message string
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, message string) *FeatureBranch {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, message: str) -> dag.FeatureBranch:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, message: string): FeatureBranch {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
push() 🔗
Push the changes to the remote branch
Return Type
FeatureBranch !
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string push
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string) *FeatureBranch {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str) -> dag.FeatureBranch:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string): FeatureBranch {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
createPullRequest() 🔗
Opens a Pull Request on GitHub
Return Type
String !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
title | String ! | - | No description provided |
body | String ! | - | No description provided |
draft | Boolean ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string create-pull-request --title string --body string --draft boolean
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, title string, body string, draft bool) string {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
CreatePullRequest(ctx, title, body, draft)
async def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, title: str, body: str, draft: bool) -> str:
return await (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
.create_pull_request(title, body, draft)
async example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, title: string, body: string, draft: boolean): Promise<string> {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
.createPullRequest(title, body, draft)
createPullRequestWithLlm() 🔗
Opens a Pull Request on GitHub, with the help of an LLM
Return Type
String !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
additionalContext | String ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string create-pull-request-with-llm --additional-context string
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, additionalContext string) string {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
CreatePullRequestWithLlm(ctx, additionalContext)
async def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, additional_context: str) -> str:
return await (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
async example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, additionalContext: string): Promise<string> {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
checkoutPullRequest() 🔗
Checkout a Pull Request code Query is any argument supported by the gh cli (gh pr checkout [ | | ])
Return Type
FeatureBranch !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
query | String ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string checkout-pull-request --query string
func (m *myModule) example(githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, query string) *FeatureBranch {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, query: str) -> dag.FeatureBranch:
return (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, query: string): FeatureBranch {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
getPullRequestBodyTitle() 🔗
Get the body of a Pull Request, returns title, body in a slice
Return Type
[String ! ] !
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string get-pull-request-body-title
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string) []string {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
async def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str) -> List[str]:
return await (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
async example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string): Promise<string[]> {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
getPullRequestDiff() 🔗
Get the diff of a Pull Request
Return Type
String !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
query | String ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string get-pull-request-diff --query string
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, query string) string {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
GetPullRequestDiff(ctx, query)
async def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, query: str) -> str:
return await (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
async example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, query: string): Promise<string> {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
addPullRequestComment() 🔗
Add a comment on the PullRequest, set editLast to true to edit the last comment
Return Type
String !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
comment | String ! | - | No description provided |
editLast | Boolean ! | - | No description provided |
dagger -m github.com/samalba/agents/feature-branch@2bde48946e1b2c6308a81121d7d63a93984dfdf2 call \
--github-token env:MYSECRET --repo-url string --branch-name string add-pull-request-comment --comment string --edit-last boolean
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, githubToken *Secret, repoUrl string, branchName string, comment string, editLast bool) string {
return dag.
FeatureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName).
AddPullRequestComment(ctx, comment, editLast)
async def example(github_token: dagger.Secret, repo_url: str, branch_name: str, comment: str, edit_last: bool) -> str:
return await (
dag.feature_branch(github_token, repo_url, branch_name)
.add_pull_request_comment(comment, edit_last)
async example(githubToken: Secret, repoUrl: string, branchName: string, comment: string, editLast: boolean): Promise<string> {
return dag
.featureBranch(githubToken, repoUrl, branchName)
.addPullRequestComment(comment, editLast)