Scan a container image using Grype
dagger install
Return Type
Grype !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
image | String ! | "" | Grype image |
version | String | null | No description provided |
user | String ! | "nonroot" | Image user |
registryUsername | String | null | No description provided |
registryPassword | Secret | null | No description provided |
container | Container | null | No description provided |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string) *Grype {
return dag.
Grype(image, user)
def example(image: str, user: str, ) -> dag.Grype:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
example(image: string, user: string, ): Grype {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
Grype 🔗
Grype CLI
image() 🔗
Grype image
Return Type
String !
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string image
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, image string, user string) string {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
async def example(image: str, user: str, ) -> str:
return await (
dag.grype(image, user)
async example(image: string, user: string, ): Promise<string> {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
version() 🔗
Return Type
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string version
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, image string, user string) string {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
async def example(image: str, user: str, ) -> str:
return await (
dag.grype(image, user)
async example(image: string, user: string, ): Promise<string> {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
user() 🔗
Image user
Return Type
String !
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string user
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, image string, user string) string {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
async def example(image: str, user: str, ) -> str:
return await (
dag.grype(image, user)
async example(image: string, user: string, ): Promise<string> {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
registryUsername() 🔗
Return Type
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string registry-username
func (m *myModule) example(ctx context.Context, image string, user string) string {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
async def example(image: str, user: str, ) -> str:
return await (
dag.grype(image, user)
async example(image: string, user: string, ): Promise<string> {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
registryPassword() 🔗
Return Type
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string registry-password
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string) *Secret {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
def example(image: str, user: str, ) -> dagger.Secret:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
example(image: string, user: string, ): Secret {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
container() 🔗
Returns configured grype container
Return Type
Container !
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string container
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string) *Container {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
def example(image: str, user: str, ) -> dagger.Container:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
example(image: string, user: string, ): Container {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
scan() 🔗
Return Type
File !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | String ! | - | Source to scan |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string scan --source string --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source string, fail bool, outputFormat string) *File {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
Scan(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: str, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dagger.File:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.scan(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: string, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): File {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.scan(source, fail, outputFormat)
scanDirectory() 🔗
Scan directory
Return Type
File !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | Directory ! | - | Directory to scan |
sourceType | String | "dir" | No description provided |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string scan-directory --source DIR_PATH --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source *Directory, fail bool, outputFormat string) *File {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
ScanDirectory(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: dagger.Directory, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dagger.File:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.scan_directory(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: Directory, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): File {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.scanDirectory(source, fail, outputFormat)
scanFile() 🔗
Scan file
Return Type
File !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | File ! | - | File to scan |
sourceType | String | "file" | No description provided |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string scan-file --source file:path --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source *File, fail bool, outputFormat string) *File {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
ScanFile(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: dagger.File, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dagger.File:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.scan_file(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: File, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): File {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.scanFile(source, fail, outputFormat)
scanImage() 🔗
Scan container image
Return Type
File !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | String ! | - | Image to scan |
sourceType | String | "registry" | No description provided |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string scan-image --source string --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source string, fail bool, outputFormat string) *File {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
ScanImage(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: str, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dagger.File:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.scan_image(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: string, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): File {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.scanImage(source, fail, outputFormat)
withRegistryAuth() 🔗
Authenticate with registry
Return Type
Grype !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
username | String ! | - | Registry username |
secret | Secret ! | - | Registry password |
address | String | "" | No description provided |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string with-registry-auth --username string --secret env:MYSECRET
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, username string, secret *Secret) *Grype {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
WithRegistryAuth(username, secret)
def example(image: str, user: str, username: str, secret: dagger.Secret) -> dag.Grype:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.with_registry_auth(username, secret)
example(image: string, user: string, username: string, secret: Secret): Grype {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.withRegistryAuth(username, secret)
withScan() 🔗
Scan (for chaining)
Return Type
Grype !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | String ! | - | Source to scan |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string with-scan --source string --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source string, fail bool, outputFormat string) *Grype {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
WithScan(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: str, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dag.Grype:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.with_scan(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: string, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): Grype {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.withScan(source, fail, outputFormat)
withScanDirectory() 🔗
Scan dir (for chaining)
Return Type
Grype !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | Directory ! | - | Directory to scan |
sourceType | String | "registry" | No description provided |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string with-scan-directory --source DIR_PATH --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source *Directory, fail bool, outputFormat string) *Grype {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
WithScanDirectory(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: dagger.Directory, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dag.Grype:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.with_scan_directory(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: Directory, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): Grype {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.withScanDirectory(source, fail, outputFormat)
withScanFile() 🔗
Scan file (for chaining)
Return Type
Grype !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | File ! | - | File to scan |
sourceType | String | "registry" | No description provided |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string with-scan-file --source file:path --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source *File, fail bool, outputFormat string) *Grype {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
WithScanFile(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: dagger.File, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dag.Grype:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.with_scan_file(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: File, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): Grype {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.withScanFile(source, fail, outputFormat)
withScanImage() 🔗
Scan container image (for chaining)
Return Type
Grype !
Name | Type | Default Value | Description |
source | String ! | - | Image to scan |
sourceType | String | "registry" | No description provided |
severityCutoff | String | null | No description provided |
fail | Boolean ! | true | Set to false to avoid failing based on severity-cutoff |
outputFormat | String ! | "sarif" | Report output formatter |
dagger -m call \
--image string --user string with-scan-image --source string --fail boolean --output-format string
func (m *myModule) example(image string, user string, source string, fail bool, outputFormat string) *Grype {
return dag.
Grype(image, user).
WithScanImage(source, fail, outputFormat)
def example(image: str, user: str, source: str, fail: bool, output_format: str) -> dag.Grype:
return (
dag.grype(image, user)
.with_scan_image(source, fail, output_format)
example(image: string, user: string, source: string, fail: boolean, outputFormat: string): Grype {
return dag
.grype(image, user)
.withScanImage(source, fail, outputFormat)